
03/09/2010 15:47

Phenylethylamine May Help People With Depression

Feeling in love may be one of the best feelings for man. In fact, a chemical that can make you feel head over heels can be found in the brain. This substance called phenylethylamine, which simulate the feeling of being in love, in bags labeled "Love Drug". Although it is available in supplement form, the chemical that makes you that love can also be obtained from natural sources, the most popular of them are chocolate. Now you have found a way to connect to explain why one of the gifts of men when courting a woman is chocolate?

Phenylethylamine, also tagged as PEA is esteemed to be a neuromodulator (monoamine AS) because it can cause dopamine and norepinephrine to transmit. It also acts as a stimulant of neuronal receptors. This function has a hand in improving and enhancing acetylcholine release by glutamatergic system. Consequently, the mood improves. This influence on mood may explain why the disease or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD was associated with low levels of this substance and some types of depression, while high levels of chemicals have been associated with schizophrenia.

Because of its effects to the central nervous system, phenylethylamine is taken as a food supplement to promote attention, concentration and mood. As an essential amino acid that is necessary for the central nervous system to function properly. It was also found useful to control symptoms of depression and chronic pain and other disorders of the central nervous system problems.

Phenylethylamine may also be used in combination with other fat burning and energy enhancing supplements because they can work in synergy with its mode of action.

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18/03/2010 17:25

Live, Laugh, Love and Lift Weights with Phenylethylamine Supplement

 The burgeoning of the sporting goods industry over the years is a reflection of the growing desire of people to be physically active and to engage in various forms of sports and exercise. While some may just be engaged in these activities to fill their free time, quite a number of them are into working out with the goal of reaping the health benefits of exercise. Many of these earnest exercise enthusiasts go the extra mile by not necessarily literally running the extra lap in the oval but by taking supplements that are believed to enhance their workout performance. One of which is phenylethylamine supplement or PEA supplement.

A substantial number of  bodybuilders take phenylethylamine supplement to heighten alertness, focus, energy and endurance, hence, raising the level of workout performance. Apart from profiting your workout performance, phenylethylamine supplement has power over your state of good mood, love, pleasure and sexuality.

Phenylethylamine is actually an organic substance that can be acquired from chocolates, bologna, salami and blue-green algae. It is responsible for your lifted mood when you eat a bar of chocolate. Your body also has this chemical and functions by modulating certain parts of your brain that influence your mood and the related feelings of love and passion. Its level is even said to reach high levels when you climax when making love. Contrastingly, when you are sad, it is at its low levels; it is found to be very low in persons who are very depressed and those suffering schizophrenia. Research has demonstrated that patients suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have greater concentrations of PEA in their urine. Levels of PEA is also shown to rise due to physical exertion like exercising or running. This is how runners get the "high" feeling when they run. So you may ask, "why take phenylethylamine supplement before hitting the gym when exercise can actually heighten its levels?" Well, the idea of including it in your pre-workout fix is to help you take off in your training during times when your drive to lift weights is pulled down by your low spirits.

When you are devoted enough to turn up for your routine even if you are, for some reason, dispirited, taking phenylethylamine supplement may be the mood and energy enhancer your body is looking for to galvanize your performance. Upon intake of phenylethylamine supplement, it effortlessly crosses the blood brain barrier, making it readily available in the brain where it takes effect by taking the place where dopamine normally lodges in. Because of this, more amount of dopamine is left to freely roam about, hence, resulting to dopaminergic transmission. This is how phenylethylamine supplement improves your mood and boost your concentrating ability.

To enjoy these mood-perking, mind-alerting and energy-enhancing effects, you may opt to eat a bar of chocolate, take a sprint, simply take phenylethylamine supplement. As with taking other supplements, it is suggested that you seek the advice of your doctor.

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Phenylethylamine Supplement